The pelvic floor is a mysterious set of muscles that dancers hear about a lot and use a ton, but that can all happen without knowing much about it or knowing how to access it consciously. In this Feldenkrais workshop, we'll clear up some of those mysteries, and become more aware of how the pelvic floor works and can help you become a stronger dancer.
We'll be exploring how balance, propulsion, and clarity of steps within and outside of a partnership improve with the help of the pelvic floor.
This workshop is intended for intermediate and advanced partner dancers, but can apply to a wide range of dance and movement questions. If you are familiar with contrabody/contralateral movement, you are at a level where this workshop will be appropriate for you.
Please bring a yoga mat, large towel or blanket you can lie on, a water bottle, and wear layers. We will be focusing on smaller movements that won't warm you up much. I'll have a few extra mats for those who can't bring their own.
Space is limited, so please reserve your spot in advance at