Can I Shift My Weight to the Left? I Don't Know...

We all have habits in everything we do. They’re an essential part of being human. They allow our brains to not think through every single thing we do all day long. They’re a survival mechanism. However, it’s important to question them now and then to make sure they’re serving us well, and get curious about how we might change them if they aren’t.

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Mini-Lesson: Finding Lightness

As December approaches, we often look for ways to lighten our moods and hearts. It's an easy time of year to get lost in election results, the potential difficulties of family gatherings, the change in weather and amount of daylight, and the desire to hibernate. Here's a mini-lesson to help you along the path toward lightness, whether it's mental, emotional, or physical.

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A Still Small Voice: The Jewishness of Feldenkrais

Unlike the American New Year, the Jewish New Year turns in the fall, based on the lunar calendar. Like all New Year’s celebrations, it comes with a party and a ton of food, but it also brings with it a time of thoughtful quietness in the form of Rosh Hashanah (New Year's Eve) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). The 10 days between them known as the Days of Awe are considered the holiest days of the Jewish calendar.

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Yoga Spinal Twist: The Feldenkrais Version

As a yoga pose, Spinal Twist offers all sorts of benefits. From, Spinal Twist "encourages movement and mobility in your spine and vertebrae; massages, stretches, and tones your internal organs; improves your digestion; stretches your chest, shoulders, lower back, hips, middle spine and your upper back; alleviates pain or stiffness in your lower back, spine and hips." As a movement in an Awareness Through Movement class or a Functional Integration lesson, even more benefits can be found from the same idea. 

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